I feel responsible for the actions that took place, soley due to the fact that I rarely leave her alone at night to do her business. It's not uncommon for sightings of coyotes trotting up and down our streets in the wee hours of the night, so why did I think it would never happen to us? The front door was open, the porch lights were on, and I only left for a split second... ATTACK!!!
Within a matter of moments, I hear a screech, and I fly out the door screaming Daisy's name, still unclear what just had taken place. She comes running down the driveway with her tail tucked, yelping all the way, jumps into my arms, and just as I stand up with her in my arms, I see it! A larger than average coyyote watching us as it runs across the street directly in fornt of our house, and disappears into the dark. I was only hoping it reall did not grab ahold of my little baby girl. I brought her into the light of the bathroom, and sure enough, two puncture wounds across her ribcage on the left side. Another mark on the top of her head, and grazed teeth marks on her under belly. Poor little girl, she is just about the size of a large white rabbit!
Now I know you're thinking, how did she get away? Here's my thought: Daisy is a scrapper when it comes to unfamiliar noses up in her business, so I think the coyote took her by surprise from the side, when it grabbed her, she snarled and bit back, as soon as she yelped, I came running caling her name, and my 3 big dogs heard the commotion and were standing at the gate growling, barking, and making a fuss! This 'Wylie Coyote' got caught with his paws in the prize! I'm sure he wasn't expecting hs dinner to bite back and cause such a ruckous, so like any busted criminal he fled the scene!
I am fortunate to have my baby still with me, alive, and in one piece for the most part. I just feel awful that I don't have the necessary funds to cover all her expenses. I paid what I could to get her through the night painlessly. Who knows, maybe she will recover by the grace of the dog gods, but she really could use proper medical treatment. I created a chipin fund just for the recovery occassion! Our goal is $600 to get her more sub-Q fluids, anesthesia, and drains inserted. Any contribution is greatly appreciated, and would really make a world of difference in this little dog's life! http://northcountypet.chipin.com/daisy-was-attacked-by-a-coyote
Below, are the journal entries we have been periodically updating on the chipin site. It starts with the most recent progress report. THANK YOU. Dog Bless!8:47 p.m.
Update for the evening - 9/23/11
Daisy is resting, and has been most of the day. She has found herself a comfort spot in the hallway, wrapped in her blanket and remained there until about 6:00 p.m. this evening.
At that point, I fed her again and gave her the last dose ofTramadol , and another Clavamox which she will remain on for the rest of next week. A couple friends decided to visit, and that perked Daisy up a bit. Her little tail wagging happily, and lovingly, she gave kisses to them both and followed us around the house. Just after they left, Daisy acted as if she needed to potty, and finally after much anticipaion she found her sweet spot and got it all out! This was a relief for me... She has been eating ALL day, but not drinking water, and had not gone potty since the incident happened late last night.
She only weighs 9lbs., so I was wondering where she was storing it all. She actually got a few barks in at the neighbors dogs, and then came back inside the house. She ate some more food, and then back to rest mode. This is excellent news!
I had to leave her alone for an hour or so, and when I returned home, she was sleeping. Even now, she is half awake, alert, but wanting to crash out again, and I hope she does. I anticipate tonight being much better than last night. Perhaps she'll sleep through the night without making a sound... I'll keep you posted.
Daisy is resting, and has been most of the day. She has found herself a comfort spot in the hallway, wrapped in her blanket and remained there until about 6:00 p.m. this evening.
At that point, I fed her again and gave her the last dose of
She only weighs 9lbs., so I was wondering where she was storing it all. She actually got a few barks in at the neighbors dogs, and then came back inside the house. She ate some more food, and then back to rest mode. This is excellent news!
I had to leave her alone for an hour or so, and when I returned home, she was sleeping. Even now, she is half awake, alert, but wanting to crash out again, and I hope she does. I anticipate tonight being much better than last night. Perhaps she'll sleep through the night without making a sound... I'll keep you posted.
- Posted today 9:14pm
12:39 p.m.
Update on Daisy - 9/23/11
She actually had her appetite back this morning, which I was concerned about since she turned her nose up at everything I was trying to give her once we returned hom from the vet... If anyone knows Daisy, food is her life, and she never says NO.
She cries continuously as if she is a lost child, and from the aches of her body. I am feeding her cooked checken right off the bone, and she seems to like that very well. So, I slip Tramadol (capsule) powder into it and add just a splash of chicken broth. I gave her the first Clavamx of the day and she seems okay.
I went and bought some more gauze pads andIodine to keep the wounds as clean as possible. I picked her up gently and she began tremoring which tells me her body hurts and she's scared... I rinsed her punctures wounds with warm water, a mild soap, and then flushed it out with diluted Peroxide. After a pat-dry down, I dripped the Iodine all over the bite marks, in hopes this keeps them from getting infected.
As I write, this very moment she finds comfort in the middle of the hallway with her blanket wrapped partially around her body. I gave her a small bowl of water, and some more chicken tidbits. Ate a little, still not drinking water, and she won't go outside to potty. She's scared to go out... But for now, she is not whining, or whimpering, and seems to be content for now.
My biggest worry is still how deep that bite puncture is, and wonder if indeed it has penetrated deep enough to cause iternal damage. This is what I had to decline at the vet because it was too expensive. She needs Bloodwork, x-rays, thorough cleaning and cliping of wound and wound tissue, anesthesia, drains inserted, more pain meds and fluids... Thus costing upwards of $2,200.
I have another $200 coming to me today from a lady; I feed her horses while she is away, and though only for the weekend, this will be money put towards this fund for Daisy! THANK YOU EVERYONE who has helped with a contribution!!!!! Dog Bless!!!!
She actually had her appetite back this morning, which I was concerned about since she turned her nose up at everything I was trying to give her once we returned hom from the vet... If anyone knows Daisy, food is her life, and she never says NO.
She cries continuously as if she is a lost child, and from the aches of her body. I am feeding her cooked checken right off the bone, and she seems to like that very well. So, I slip Tramadol (capsule) powder into it and add just a splash of chicken broth. I gave her the first Clavamx of the day and she seems okay.
I went and bought some more gauze pads and
As I write, this very moment she finds comfort in the middle of the hallway with her blanket wrapped partially around her body. I gave her a small bowl of water, and some more chicken tidbits. Ate a little, still not drinking water, and she won't go outside to potty. She's scared to go out... But for now, she is not whining, or whimpering, and seems to be content for now.
My biggest worry is still how deep that bite puncture is, and wonder if indeed it has penetrated deep enough to cause iternal damage. This is what I had to decline at the vet because it was too expensive. She needs Bloodwork, x-rays, thorough cleaning and cliping of wound and wound tissue, anesthesia, drains inserted, more pain meds and fluids... Thus costing upwards of $2,200.
I have another $200 coming to me today from a lady; I feed her horses while she is away, and though only for the weekend, this will be money put towards this fund for Daisy! THANK YOU EVERYONE who has helped with a contribution!!!!! Dog Bless!!!!
- Posted today 12:56pm
3:18 a.m.
At this moment, she is sleeping. Must be re-living the moment she was attacked, as she cries and moans every so often :( I HAD to remove the cone they had on her, because she was whining louder while trying to sleep than she is now... either way, it's heart-breaking to hear! I gave her a Tramadol, and fed her some special tidbits to make her feel better! After many tears, and lots of kisses, I was able to say goodnight, and leave her be in her crate.
Here it is, almost 4 in the morning (PST), and I am wide awake with guilt that I could not leave her with the vet staff for proper treatment. Just too much at once. I gave them an amount I could squeeze tonight to do what they could to make her comfortable. All that included was a cleaning of the puncture wounds, fluids, a shot of antibiotics, and meds to come home with (Clavamox).
With wounds open, and exposed, I am so very concerned about the risk of infection!!!! She needs drains for it to heal properly after they treat her... of course I know this NEEDS to be done, that's not the problem, the issue is MONEY.... I feel horrible. I wish I could slap a credit card down and be done with it, unfortunately my life is complicated beyond normal, and that is not an option for me. Please lord, let my baby girl recover wthout pain, and give her peace while she sleeps tonight and through tomorrow.... I need a miracle!
Here it is, almost 4 in the morning (PST), and I am wide awake with guilt that I could not leave her with the vet staff for proper treatment. Just too much at once. I gave them an amount I could squeeze tonight to do what they could to make her comfortable. All that included was a cleaning of the puncture wounds, fluids, a shot of antibiotics, and meds to come home with (Clavamox).
With wounds open, and exposed, I am so very concerned about the risk of infection!!!! She needs drains for it to heal properly after they treat her... of course I know this NEEDS to be done, that's not the problem, the issue is MONEY.... I feel horrible. I wish I could slap a credit card down and be done with it, unfortunately my life is complicated beyond normal, and that is not an option for me. Please lord, let my baby girl recover wthout pain, and give her peace while she sleeps tonight and through tomorrow.... I need a miracle!
- Posted today 3:33am